
Music is not just an academic study, it is a way of life for many people. At Georgetown College we would love to give you the opportunity to continue to sing, 或者在大学里演奏乐器, to take your understanding and love of music to the next level, and to join a unique and rich community of former musical Tigers in our chorale or bands.

For due dates and a list of other programs of distinction, 点击这里.




合唱团 and band both send several musicians per year to the state competition run by KMEA.


Participation in band or chorale is not only fun, 情感意义, 音乐丰富, 精神上的支持... both can also give you additional scholarship!


活力乐队, which gets to play at football and basketball games throughout the year, 包括堪萨斯城的全国赛, 被称为“战斗老虎”... Pep Band (FTGPB).



There are two primary ensembles at Georgetown, the Tiger Symphonic Band and the Fighting Tiger Grrr... Pep Band (FTGPB). Students can receive academic credit for participating in weekly practices, 是星期一, 周三, 周五从4点到5点. The primary ensembles perform in excess of twenty times a year, and there is no additional cost for students beyond personal instruments. The majority of our instruments and equipment will all be provided by our band friends.


"Being a part of Tiger 乐队 helped me prepare for life after college. The preparation that was needed to put on an amazing show - from playing the pieces to setting up and tearing down - helped me realize how necessary teamwork and drive is to success."



合唱团 is a choral ensemble consisting of Georgetown College students majoring in a variety of subjects. The Georgetown College 合唱团 performs a wide variety of choral repertoire from the Renaissance to the present day for churches, 学校, 约定, 以及许多校园内的功能. 合唱团是一个未经试镜的团体. Students can receive academic credit for participating in weekly practices.

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